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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another day in the sun, snow, sun, cold, sun...

It has definitely, so far, been a week of contrast. Yesterday was a rest day, and I think I actually needed the run, as I was rather anxious, and in need of the relief of pounding the pavement. However, though I did not run, I was fortunate. The universe keeps on giving. I was able to have breakfast with a long ago friend and give her a ride to the airport. It was such a great thing to connect with her and realize how chaotic our lives were when we were friends in middle school and how little we talked about it at the time. And, even more wonderful, how comfortable we seemed to feel together, despite the grown-up differences in our lives. Motherhood had been a fearful prospect, but changed us both in a positive way. What a gift.

On a minor matter, this annoying small claims case was finally dismissed. Though it cost me $50 to contest the case, and hours of my time, I proved that I was in the right, for whatever it's worth. Well, technically it was worth $400.

Back to the contrast. When I left the house to run today, it was sunny. There were clouds in the sky, but it was sunny, and about 5 minutes in, it started to blow snow. Most of the run still felt fairly good. There were moments that I did not enjoy, but again, there are many moments in life that we will not enjoy. If we focus on those moments, then why even get out of bed? Because of all the other moments, that is why. There is so much love to give. Remember that above all. Don't hold back. Give love.

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