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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beefhide Donut

While I squeezed in my 3 mile run today, I saw a discarded wrapper lying on the sidewalk. When I passed it going out, I did not really pay attention to it, just kept on running. It was an okay run physically. It was my first time with my new shoes and I think the guy got my shoes wrong, so I was sorta focused on how my feet were feeling and not enjoying the run as much as I would have liked. I had some great tunes, though, just making me think of younger days, of my own emotional journey.

On my return toward home I saw that same wrapper. It said "Beefhide Donut". I laughed out loud. It made me think of how many concerns we have in our minds, yet someone out there is making a Beefhide Donut.

I am so busy right now, but i need to write for a few reasons. First of all, the election was two nights ago. I was happy with most of the results, especially to have re-elected our president. My only sadness is that I have some friends who cannot see beyond their selfishness. The comments were about how they should just "cash in" and get on food stamps, and sign up for every handout. It was really hurtful. These past few years, I have struggled financially. If it weren't for the program that reduced my mortgage, another program that paid my mortgage for more than a year, and a few other benefits, I am pretty sure I would be living in a apartment that would cost more than it now costs to pay my mortgage. And when you look at history, other first world nations, there is so much evidence that social programs, building infrastructure and universal health care are viable solutions.

I did not de-friend anyone after the Facebook rants. I noticed posts and comments from that night have been deleted, or perhaps when I changed my settings... I guess what I am wondering is: is it worth standing up to people like this when I see them, because I will see them. Or is it just better to let it go and realize emotions were high and no one of us is likely to change our minds?

I have so much on my plate. I am trying to rid myself of nearly 5 years of collected stuff that I have been storing so that my new roommate can have more space---and I can have more emotional space. I am finishing the last of my classes to hopefully end this frustrating and expensive educational odyssey. I am working a new job along with two new tutoring students that I hate to disappoint. Also, I should maintain my connection with my supervisor.

I am learning what it is like to have love in my life again. I said it. I try not to be personal. This is a small town. But the six of you who read this blog probably know anyway.


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