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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Diagnosis: Whatever

Been gone a while: two back to back trips. A lot of time in the car. A lot of time with the relationship. Maybe too much time. The more you get to know someone, the more you show of yourself, it makes you think. Well, it should, or I guess then you are just in it for the benefits? And if that's the case, I guess you're a sociopath. (I am joking here, of course.) However, all's well that ends well. We still seem to like each other. My house is still here. Now I will start the rest of the summer with the kiddos.

I have not run since the day we left--10 days. Don't know if I will run today. I am feeling that post-trip, bad weather, sort of feeling. I am tired but still woke up at 7:30 this morning. Too much on my mind. Cats barfing, whip cream exploding, bills need paying, weeds need pulling. ICK. Oh, and I have a huge zit. Plus I am really low on money. Double ICK. Supposed to get paid in three days.

Here's the bottom line. Most people go around thinking (myself included) that we are soooooo deep, complex, dark. That no one really understands. I am calling bull&^$# on that. It is pretty easy to see the games people play. It takes one to know one. It probably takes one to love one, too. Anyway, I am not going to let myself be dragged down by it anymore. Whether or not we understand each other at any given moment is just a perception, and one that usually fades with time. So be kind. Love. Forgive. Take a deep breath.

(That's what she says but sometimes she forgets.)

Whatever. Say a little prayer that I go running today. It would be good for me.


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